CPD Cancels Presidential Debate

Sent to Faculty, Staff and Current Students on June 24, 2024

Dear faculty members, staff members, and students: 

I want to share our university statement to the media regarding today’s announcement that the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has officially cancelled all 2024 presidential debates. 

I greatly appreciate all of you who worked on this project, and I honestly believed in our ability to shine on the global stage. Your efforts over the past year have proven me correct in that assessment. I hope that you take pride in knowing TXST will always hold the title of the first Hispanic Serving Institution and the first site in Texas to be chosen to host a presidential debate. I have been told that should there be a CPD-sponsored debate in the future, TXST would have the right of first refusal to be the host. That will be a decision to be made at least three years from now. 

Again, thank you for all that you have done to get us this far. I have heard over and over again how much the CPD enjoyed working with the TXST team. I am convinced we would have shone brightly on the world’s stage. 
Kelly Damphousse 