
Charge of the Commission

  • Increase first year retention of full-time, first-time in college students to 85% by 2025.
  • Decrease retention disparities between demographic cohorts (e.g., first-gen and gender).
  • Develop an institutional vision of equitable student success to increase academic achievement, wellbeing, sense of belonging, and engagement.
  • Increase the 4-year graduation rate to 37%.
  • Increase the 6-year graduation rate to 58%.
  • Increase transfer student graduation rate to 64%.

2023-2024 Priorities

  • Create awareness and excitement around Student Success at TXST.
  • Develop tagline/university-wide marketing/branding effort that communicates student success philosophy, framework, and everyone’s role in supporting student success.
  • Develop and implement a series of townhalls/workshops that focuses on different aspects of the student success framework.
  • Develop and disseminate monthly articles to the university community highlighting current and new Student Success efforts.

Members of the Presidential Commission on Student Success

  • Cynthia Hernandez, Vice President for Student Success (Co-Chair)
  • Michael O’Malley, Dean of the College of Education (Co-Chair)
  • Michael Preston, Associate Vice President for Student Success
  • Valerie L. Holmes, Associate Vice President for Student Success & Dean of Students
  • Matt Hall, Vice President for Information Technology
  • Sandy Pantlik, Vice President for Marketing & Communication
  • Pranesh B. Aswath, Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Kelly Visnak, Vice Provost & University Librarian
  • Candace Hastings, Associate Vice Provost, Faculty Success
  • Gary Ray, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Kathy Ybanez-Llorente, Associate Dean & Associate Professor, College of Education
  • Beth Thomas, Director for School of Art and Design
  • David Donnelly, Professor, Physics